
Enabling cohesion, being diligent and quick to create a new situation of diversified development of traditional construction industry -- an exclusive interview with Lai Zhaohui, vice chairman and President of Longyuan Construction Group

Time : 2021-11-15

writing /Chao Hui Liu

(本writing刊登于《上海甬商》two thousand and twenty-oneyearSeptember issue)

In the domestic construction and municipal market, Longyuan construction group is a resounding gold lettered signboard. From the last centuryeightyyear代的“象山二建”成长为如今的全国知名的建筑服务商、A股上市公司,40余year成长壮大的发展历程,凝结了赖振元和Lai Zhaohui父子两代人的不懈努力和心血付出。

The times are developing and the market is changing. Longyuan construction, a large ship, has sailed to a new route and turned from a traditional construction company to a comprehensive urban investment construction operation service provider. Lai Zhaohui, vice chairman and President of Longyuan construction group, recently accepted an exclusive interview with this magazine to deeply explain Longyuan's way of development and progress.

Develop business with quality and establish a good reputation of the brand


Lai Zhenyuan's first shot in Shanghai was to help solve the construction problem of impervious wall of regulation and storage reservoir of Baosteel Yangtze River Wusongkou diversion project. After arduous construction,Xiangshan second construction not only ahead of scheduleThe construction was completed in 7 months and 900000 yuan was saved, which was highly appreciated by Shanghai Baosteel engineering headquarters.Lai Chaohui admired his father's extraordinary past"The old man can not only work, but also draw pictures and make project budget, which was extremely rare among the construction teams of Xiangshan, which was full of experts at that time."


Lai ZhaohuiHe believes that the reason why Longyuan can achieve today's achievements first depends on its keen market smell and the inheritance of Yongshang who dare to be the first. Under the background of national reform and opening up and the great development of infrastructure market at that time, Longyuan grasped the policy dividend and demographic dividend and dared to make breakthroughs, such as1991year在行业内首创采用项目经营承包责任制,以“联营”的方式构建共赢的事业平台;2004year获得总承包特级资质,为公司占领市场打下坚实的基础。Lai ZhaohuiWe believe that Longyuan construction has always regarded quality as the power source and foundation for the survival and development of the enterprise,"Quality Xingye" is deeply branded in the gene of Longyuan development, which is the basis for the establishment of the group's brand.

since1991year以来,公司先后承建完成中国第一条高速公路沪嘉高速南翔段、时为世界第一高楼的上海环球金融中心(地基工程)、上海世博轴阳光谷工程、杭州萧山机场航站楼、杭州大剧院、海口中环国际广场、福建晋江国际会展中心等一系列城市地标项目和重点工程,It has won Luban Award, National High Quality Engineering Award, Magnolia Award, Qianjiang cup, Shanghai high quality structure and other high-quality engineering awards at or above the provincial level500多项;集团连续17year入选“中国承包商企业eighty强”,连续14year入选"Top 100 enterprises in Zhejiang Province", 17 consecutive yearsyear名列全国进沪施工企业综合实力排名第一,连续elevenyear入选"China's top 500 private enterprises", 12 consecutive yearsyear入选《财富》中国Top 500... These awards and strength rankings with high gold content in the industry areLongyuan Group"Quality promotes business" is not only the best example, but also the best praise.

在Longyuan Group总部大楼,悬挂着一幅赖振元亲笔书写的四个大字: "attentive service". This is the motto of long yuan. Because of attentive service,Long yuan has won many awards“全国用户服务满意企业”“上海市用户满意十佳工程”等称号。Lai Zhaohui说,用心服务的企业writing化,既包括对业主的服务,也包括公司内部的多个维度。“用心服务看似是利他,实则是成就since我,最终实现人与人、员工与企业、企业与企业之间的互利共赢。”

Make bold decisions, seize opportunities and promote transformation

纵观整个建筑行业近十year来的发展,面临的挑战在加大,面对传统建筑总承包市场央企国企愈发强大、原材料人工等成本高企等问题,民营企业可谓步履维艰,大量企业都在尝试转型。Lai Zhaohui比较早就认识到,龙元转型发展的核心是盈利模式的改变,是身份、角色的根本转变。

和父辈不同,Lai Zhaohui对于资本市场和金融更具经验。在Lai Zhaohui的主导下,龙元在2004year成功登陆上交所,成为为数不多的建筑业上市民企之一。from2010year开始,积极尝试用发基金的方式募集资本金,尝试运作BT等项目的投资,积累了有别于传统总承包施工的建设投资经验。当2014year国家开始推行PPP模式,龙元闻风而动,成为最早涉足PPP业务的民营企业之一。

2016year的第十六届中国经济论坛上,Lai Zhaohui成为16位“创新榜样”之一。大会给Lai Zhaohui的颁奖词Yes:He is a private enterpriseAmong A-share listed companies, he is the earliest pioneer in transforming PPP. The enterprises he leads are becoming China's leading PPP full life cycle investment and operation service platform. "

since2014year以来,Longyuan Group做出了布局长周期优质基础设施项目的战略选择,Participated in a lotPPP projects,So far, it has won the bid successivelyPPP项目eighty余个,涉足全国近20个省份,投资项目覆盖包括城镇综合开发、医疗卫生、生态环境治理等14个领域,在全国民企中位居前列。

经过这几year的实践,龙元The established strategic goal has been basically realized: the customer structure has been changed——From more than 95% of developers to more than 50% of government customers; The profit structure has been adjusted - infrastructure investmentThe profit contribution of the business has reached 50% of the group's profit70%。Longyuan Group实现了from单一施工总承包企业向城市基础设施建设投资人的角色转型,逐步转型为集工程投融资咨询、工程策划设计、施工及后期运营服务于一身的投资建设运营服务商。

Lai Zhaohui强调,龙元一直都把PPP项目当作投资项目来对待,合同身份一定是投资人,眼光一定是投资视角,而不是仅局限于建设环节。“要时刻牢记我们是投资人,而不是单一的施工总承包方。from中长期看,施工利润往往只占到项目整个利润的30%左右,所以做好项目策划,高度重视投资责任和投资履约,才能实现项目合作的共赢,才能实现既定的商业目标。”

强大专业能力的团队,被Lai Zhaohui视为龙元合理把控风险、实现优质履约的坚实保障。目前,龙元已经拥有覆盖基础设施建设全生命周期exceedA team of 1000 professionals, with 8 PPP double banks of the Ministry of Finance and the national development and Reform Commission专家,投融资领域研究生学历占比exceed50%。去year龙元还出资3600万元和宁波大学共建宁波大学龙元建筑金融研究院,希望Cultivate a batch"Construction + finance" compound talents will contribute to the development of the industry in the future.

Consolidate capacity and build a diversified business ecosystem

经历了几year的发展,PPP项目的政策环境、市场环境和融资环境都发生了一些变化,作为from头开始参与的民营企业之一,Longyuan Group又该如何筹谋未来?

Lai Zhaohui介绍,from项目的生命周期角度看,未来龙元的PPP business will enter the peak of investment recovery and operation, so the group's organizational structure, strategy, mechanism and decision-making process will be optimized and adjusted with the transfer of business stage, so that the overall capacity-building of the group can meet the needs of the project.

打铁还需since身硬。在Lai Zhaohui看来,龙元作为一家民营企业,面对众多央企、国企等强大的竞争对手,唯有直面挑战,不断提高since身服务能力,才能增强市场竞争力,更好地生存下去。

Tightly aroundWith the strategic vision of "a better city builder and a happy life operator", Longyuan has continuously improved its vertical mixed operation ability, and formed a situation in which the two sectors of construction general contracting and infrastructure investment keep pace through all-round, deep-seated, multi field and open integration of internal and external resources,The operation business has also made a good start. It has also participated in the investment in many other industries, built a diversified industrial pattern covering planning and design, investment financing, development and construction, project management, operation services, operation and maintenance, asset management and other fields, and created a diversified industrial structure"Longyuan ecology".

In the field of traditional building construction, while consolidating and developing the traditional construction general contracting, adapt to the new situation of the development of the construction industry, and accelerate the transformation to general contracting, steel structure assembly, whole process consulting, etc.Longyuan Group较早就并购了大地钢构、信安幕墙、上海房屋设计院等一批业内领先的专业单位,并且又成功培育了以明筑科技为代表的专注于装配式钢结构企业,并且逐步发展了市政、水利等施工资质。投资1.5 billion yuan to build the first fabricated construction science and Technology Industrial Park in Xuancheng, Anhui Province. These layouts are all measures to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the general contracting market.

In the field of infrastructure investment, we will go all out to do a good jobPPP项目落地,确保投好建好运营好,同时充分发挥“龙元生态圈”优势,大力推进多元化稳健投资。此外,积极与各领域优质的合作伙伴建立合作关系,探索开展多元化稳健投资。集团作为唯一民企入股由财政部、生态环境部和上海市政府共同发起设立的国家级政府投资基金——国家绿色发展基金,此外还通过收购成为中信环境基金管理公司第二大股东;参股山西财惠资本管理有限公司、杭州市基础设施投资基金、爱玛会体育等专业机构;与树兰医院合资设立杭州九龄股权投资有限公司等,围绕基建投资各个环节夯实since身能力。

符合国家政策发展的高端制造业企业,也是龙元投资的对象。作为龙元的参股公司、国内航空领域环形锻件的主承制单位航宇科技,今year7月初已经正式登陆上交所科创板,有望为Longyuan Group带来良好的投资收益。今year1月,集团旗下的龙元天册企业管理有限公司和江苏省产业研究院集萃智能制造技术研究所在南京签署合作协议,计划联手共建“天册集萃智造园”,依托集萃智造的综合研发能力和龙元天册的产业园区打造能力,聚焦智能制造与机器人领域,以协作机器人产业为核心,联手打造“专而精”,集智造生产、智造赋能、孵化加速、服务配套等于一体的4.0智造园区。

在产业金融方面的多元化投资,Lai Zhaohui非常审慎,有着非常明确的支撑逻辑,就是夯实能力、服务主业,绝不开展盲目的多元化发展。

Lai Zhaohui透露,当前随着建筑对科技、绿色环保、全周期成本管理的要求提高,龙元也会积极拥抱新的技术和标准,继续加大在建筑科技领域的投入,以装配式钢结构和光伏建筑为核心切入点,争取打造集团的新增长极。



据Lai Zhaohui介绍,近year来,龙元建设在宁波市每year可承接约30亿元的建设项目,多数为地铁4号线东钱湖站这样的公建项目,此外还积极参与基础设施项目投资,几year来在宁波地区投资近40亿元。近三year,龙元在宁波地区累计纳税额已达9.3亿元。


除了家乡宁波,Longyuan Group在全国各地的善举更是不胜枚举。

2019yearLongyuan Group第四届“感恩与传承”主题writing化活动上,正式发起设立“振元慈善基金”,将原先分散的公益行为拧成一股绳。过去两year,振元慈善基金在助力脱贫攻坚、促进教育及医疗事业发展、抗震救灾等方面累计实捐达1890.08万元。比如2020year2月捐赠639.2万元用于援鄂医疗医护人员,exceed额实现捐赠诺言;2020year12月又捐赠浙江农林大学教育发展项目100万元;two thousand and twenty-oneyear7月,在暴雨灾害中损失惨重的长垣市捐赠100万元,携手共渡难关……

据不完全统计,from90year代初捐助董事长赖振元先生曾就读的赖岙希望小学开始,Longyuan Group累计在爱心助学、扶贫帮困、社会捐赠等方面的综合投入已exceed过1亿元。

Longyuan Group董事长赖振元先生一直倡导“做人要常怀感恩之心”。今天的龙元有温度有情怀有担当,是因为龙元人一直认为,公益是一种修行,更是一种品德。

Lai Zhaohui表示,在龙元成长的道路上,始终立足于since身的业务践行企业社会责任,一路向善是永远不忘的初心,这也将作为公司长期的责任和目标持续进行下去。“公司四十year来发展的每一步,都离不开社会各方的支持与关注,龙元人也愿意主动承担起这份责任来回馈社会大众,将这份大爱传承下去。”
